Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Newlywed = Newlyfed

It seems that as a newlywed everything in life has been changing for the better...that is except my waistline/hips/thighs...basically the whole package! Simple put this has been much worse than all the warnings I was told about the "Freshman 15" back 8 years ago when I was entering college. In my attempt to please my husband and become a perfect "Housewife," that also works fulltime (as I'm sure we all do), I have been trying to provide the best "home cooked" meals possible. This has turned into several semi homemade meals, but I digress. As my husband continues to shed the pounds I have been putting them on.

The first of April (only three months into the marriage) I realized this could only get worse, so with the help and encouragement of my mother I started a Zumba class, and have been attending faithfully (up until July 1st) three days a week. Zumba is...well as they like to put it...a party. It's loads of fun and at first I just enjoyed spending the time with my Mother. The three hours a week I was dancing away was fun and I soon got a close friend of mine to join in.

After 2 1/2 months of zumba I noticed I wasn't loosing anything. And I hate to admit it but the jeans were getting a little tight. I realized that while doing 3 hours of Zumba a week was allowing me to still eat what I wanted, I wasn't losing any weight. This is when I stumbled across an article online (can't even find it now) that mentioned The Tracy Anderson Method. Was this the same girl I had been seeing bust Catt's ass on the Daily 10 (one of my E obsessions)? I tried to find clips from past Daily 10 shows, but had zero luck. I finally...finally was led to Tracy Anderson's own website. I was very excited. This looked like it might be worth my time.

I found that she had 3 dvd's for sale on Amazon.com, but they were $30.00, and although I thought this might be the perfect exercise...I didn't want to spend the money without knowing for sure. I found a clip on youtube that gave examples of her leg/arm/ab workouts....so I tried them for 2 weeks along with Zumba. I LOVED it! Ordered the video and it arrived last week.

My plan is to still continue with my Zumba three days a week and do the Mat DVD 4-5 times a week. Tracy suggests 4-6 times a week on the DVD. We'll see how it goes. Check back often to see my progress. I'll post all those embarrassing weight and measurements along my journey to find a teeny tiny body.

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